Anchoring the new timeline of the Feminine: free webinar Soul Union

This is a free invitation for all of you who resonate with Feminine energy and the path of Sacred Union.

The same day we celebrate the Goddess Mary Magdalene, 22nd of July, I invite you to anchor together the new timeline for the feminine energy, in our souls and bodies.

For entering a new stage of sovereignty, truth, conscious relationships and organic Sacred Union on Earth.

In this free webinar, we will be together for around 1 hour. We will be letting go of the old and anchoring the new, through energetic work and bringing into the body the energies of the new timeline.

We will focus on:


      • Closing the old paradigm of relationship: the old abusive hooks, and codependence-narcissistic adaptations from the old timelines

      • Embodying sovereignty

      • Opening the heart

      • Anchoring the new timeline and bringing embodiment into our lives

    From Love,
    Mihaela Marinas

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