Becoming the Healer you are: intuitive healing training

I invite you into a healing journey of expansion and becoming who you really are as a healer and as a Soul. The training “Becoming the Healer you are” is for everyone who wants to explore and to expand their abilities as healers. And it’s available now in an asynchronous format.
You can take the training at your own pace, in your own time, from the comfort of your home, enjoying at the same time my assistance.
Clarity, personal power, courage to listen to the voice of the Soul and to manifest the gifts of the Soul on Earth – these are the energies that come, through me, into the lives of those I work with. It’s part of my mission to empower souls to be who they really are. And it is the thing that brings me infinite joy.
Who can take this intuitive healing training:
- those who have healing energy to manifest in relation to others, but still do not have clarity about how to channel it
- those who have attended dozens of courses and trainings, you have countless diplomas in the field, but still feel blocked in starting their own activity in the field of working with people
- those interested in intuitive multidimensional healing, in all structures and dimensions of the being (wounds of the inner child, karmic patterns, soul groups patterns, trans-generational patterning and collective consciousness programs)
- those at the beginning of the road, who want to start from scratch in this area
- those interested in how they can be more intuitive and connected in working with clients they already have
- those who want to connect with my vision of healing, from everything I feel and have understood so far, from my 13 years experience of working with people
What can you get from this intuitive healing training:
- the courage to start manifesting your healing gifts in your activity
- clarity on how you can start an activity that helps you to serve others from your soul gifts
- connection with the unique personal blueprint and frequency of healing
- clarity related with how to build your own practice, using everything you already know and everything we will learn in this training
- initiation in the intuitive healing methods working on multidimensional level
- overview of what the healing process means, what happens during the client-healer interaction at the soul level and what aspects can be involved in this process
- information on how to use intuition in healing processes
IMPORTANT NOTE Please, feel free to schedule a free 1:1 meeting with me to see if this training it’s a fit for you. You can schedule the meeting using the calendar above.
After you purchase the training and you go through all the materials, we can have a 1:1 session where I can answer all your questions and offer you supplementary guidance if needed.
Honouring your deep longing for Soul Union,
Mihaela Marinas
More about me here.
“Becoming the Healer you are” brought major changes in my life. Throughout this training, I got to heal my major fears and resistances which prevented me to show all the gifts I came with in this world. I started with a lot of fear, nevertheless I was supported by the feeling that I was exactly where I needed to be. I ended up the training by really becoming the healer that I am. The words are too few to express what contribution you have had, through this training, in my life. And in the lives of others I now work with, after a 13-year career in a completely different field, through an absolutely magical change of paths, triggered by this training and your permanent support. You have helped me to come into my power and among your many gifts is that of empowering people to identify and manifest their mission and path. I recommend this training to everyone who will resonate with it, to attend and to know that they will receive much more than they can expect. With gratitude, L. B. “
“I want to encourage the ones who want to find themselves and to fulfil their Divine Self on earth, to take this training: Becoming the Healer you are. Through this training I could dissolve blockages from other lifetimes and dimensions that were slowing me down. I accessed astral planes and dimensions where I nurtured myself with what I needed. Today I can say that I am on my way to fulfil my purpose on earth. Thank you, Mihaela, for being here and meeting me, as you said “on another level”. I hug you warmly and congratulate myself that I made the best decision when I signed up for this course. With joy, A.C.B “
“I started working with people, I’m ready now. I listen again to your training Becoming the Healer you are and I feel to express my gratitude once again for supporting me. Thank you and I hug you! M. “
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