The Soul’s Perspective: Akashic Records Healing Sessions
In these healing sessions in the Akashic Records we can bring the soul’s perspective to challenges related to any aspect of life on Earth, starting from:
- personal mission,
- personal relationships and arriving to
- money,
- abundance,
- sexuality, sexual energy
If you are presently experiencing:
- Blockages that cannot be rationally explained, in your personal or professional life
- Old karmic patterns that seem to repeat themselves over and over in one or more aspects of life
- Challenges related to abundance or sexual energy
- Relationship challenges, difficulties or repetitive patterns in relationships
- Lack of clarity about the soul’s path in life and personal mission…if you often feel like your life is being led from behind by someone else, or that you are in the same vicious circle that leads nowhere in one or more aspects of your life…
…The Akashic Records are at our disposal to help us go straight to the root of patterns, rewrite them directly from the source and open up a new timeline in alignment with the Divine Self and the path of the soul.
By working in the Akashic Records:
- We discover the original Soul Blueprint and Soul Profile of your Soul at the moment of creation
- We rewrite limiting patterns, fears, conditioning and heal traumas from other lifetimes that disconnected us from our original Soul Blueprint
- We recover our personal power from any event, dimension, timeline where we have left pieces of our soul and lost our energy.
- We reinstall the original blueprint of who you really are at the Soul level and return to the Source, integrating soul lessons from past experiences that we sometimes don’t remember on a conscious level.
- We imprint the frequency of our Divine Self into any experience that has separated us from our Divine essence.
In the Akashic Records healing sessions, I work with the Akashic Records of the soul, embodying everything with the help of the energies working through me and my personal healer imprint.
During the session, we connect together to the energy of the Akashic Records to access the deeper reasons for dysfunctions and blockages and reconnect to your original soul blueprint. We realise a complete reading and clearing of your Akashic Records and give a restart to your soul, for the next level of evolution.
Duration: one hour
Price: 222 Euros
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After making the payment, for scheduling an online appointment, please use the calendar bellow. You will receive a firm confirmation from me regarding the date and the hour you picked.
For any other details, you can write me at:
Honouring your deep longing for Soul Union,
Mihaela Marinas