Good bye, 2020!

We will leave behind 2020 in a few days, but somehow this year will stay with us for a few more years from now. It brought to us so much that we’ll need a few more years to process everything and then lay a new foundation for our new life.
We’ve suffered losses, we’ve screamed, we’ve been afraid and yes, it was painful. However, in the midst of losses, we have begun to feel that 2020 has brought with it the hope of the new energies we have been waiting for on Earth. Not only on an individual level, but also on a higher level.
And sometimes the new can come only through destruction, chaos and death. And yes, it’s not easy for the human side of us. And it is confusing, overwhelming and chaotic and it is possible that these energies will continue to challenge our limits in the next period. And on the other hand, in the midst of our struggles with ourselves, with God, with the Universe or with any other landmark in which we still believe or not, 2020 has brought with it such precious lessons.
Here are some of the lessons of 2020 for me. I learned:
- That beyond the country, the city, the home where I live, on first place comes the home I will have with me everywhere, as long as I am on Earth: my body. There is nothing more precious than learning to return to it and to connect with it. To the way it breathes, the way it feels, how relaxed or stressed it is, how much life flows through it in every moment. To the gratitude and joy of the small and simple things and to letting go of the continuous hunting of the big things. To things, energies, attitudes, thoughts that are good for the body. To coming out of the body’s self-abuse and to really honour it.
- That you are rewarded beyond measure, when you are honest with your soul and do what you know you have to do, even if it is not easy. You will be overwhelmed with receiving, at the right time, maybe not in the way you expected, maybe not from where you expected. And that is the challenge – to remain open to receive, beyond expectations and projections.
- That any situation can be look at with heaviness or lightness in the heart. It is a choice, but not a mental one. It can only be done after we align with the energy of our soul.
- That the fear of death is at the root of all fears and the only remedy that can melt the fear of death is Love. When we feel true Love on Earth, even for a few moments, we begin to feel supported, embraced and comforted by an all-encompassing energy that can never be taken away from us. This is what will keep us safe, no matter what we have to go through as a human experience.
- That Love never dies but finds incredible ways to continue, to transform, to change it’s form in unsuspected and unanticipated ways, remaining the same in essence. Love always finds incredible ways to make our hearts tremble and our souls enjoy the miracle of life on Earth.
- That when we have to face the unreal, whatever kind of “unreal” might be – unreal painful, unreal absurd, unreal uncomfortable – it is the best way to fix in our soul and heart what is real to us.
- That there is no guarantee for anything. For tomorrow, for the future, for our plans. This does not mean that we have to live in fear and, above all, it does not mean that we are powerless. It means that we need to incorporate more deeply the energy of trusting the divine will. The absolute confidence that we are supported to go through whatever comes our way. And that what comes to us is for our highest good, whether we like it or not. Here is our power as souls navigating the human journey. And here is our struggle too – with the part of us for which is hard to surrender to something higher.
Thank you, 2020! You’ve been above anything we could have expected from you. This is why you will stay with us for a while, through everything you have awakened and transformed in us. We know you are just the beginning of something chaotic, painful but also great and miraculous that is happening to the Planet we live on. We no longer have expectations for 2021, because we are just learning to live beyond them. And because we already know we’re on the right path. We only promise to continue the work, step by step, to surrender ourselves to the divine will and to honour everything that dies and is getting born, in us and in the world, every single moment.