Healing of the Masculine and Feminine, online program, 20th-27th of January, 2022

From all our hearts, we invite you to the “Healing of the Masculine and Feminine” program. This is an invitation for all of you who feel in their hearts the longing for the healed version of the relationship between the two energies, both within us and in our relationships.


…we have been longing for the Union of the two energies for too long.
…and for too long we have not allowed ourselves to feel, in its full extent, this longing.
…and for too long we have kept each other at bay, men and women, through distortions created by ancestral trauma, wounds, programs, and pain.
…just as we create a separation between the two energies within us, carrying on a distorted pattern that has brought us centuries of unhappiness

The time has come to anchor a new timeline. The timeline of the union between Masculine and Feminine, within us and in our relationships. The timeline of the highest service and of the Divine Union from the highest energy.

The Healing of the Masculine and Feminine program is for all those who allow themselves to feel this longing. For all those who feel it is time to receive the Masculine and the Feminine in their hearts. Who want to come out of the projections towards the masculine and the feminine, to really look into their own wound and then to look with compassion into the other’s wound.

It is a program for those who want to get out of the games we have staged, male and female alike, for centuries. All these games that kept us at a distance from each other, and made us avoid true intimacy and keep Love away from us.

It is a program for women and men who are brave explorers of the new paradigm between Masculine and Feminine. And who feel it’s time to anchor the new timeline together.


The content of the program Healing of the Masculine and Feminine:

  • Exploring the archetypal wounds of separation between female and male
  • Healing the Wounded Feminine – connecting to the shadow of feminine energy and transmuting the toxic patterns of the wounded feminine: lack of personal strength, projection of the inner void on the outside, exaggerated expectations, emotional manipulation
  • Healing the Wounded Male – connecting to the shadow of male energy and transmuting toxic patterns: emotional armour, disconnection from the heart, abuse, domination
  • Energy work to harmonise the masculine and feminine inside
  • Ritual of forgiveness from Masculine to Feminine and from Feminine to Masculine
  • Transmutation of male-female distortions in relationships
  • Anchoring the new relational reality: the mutual service and the divine union between the Masculine and the Feminine

We will do energetic work to heal and transmute the old patterns, but also practices to bring into the body the new energies that we will anchor together.

We will have two working sessions of about 3-4 hours each, on January 20 and 27, 2022.We will meet on Zoom, a very easy-to-use online platform that allows us to see and hear each other.

The program is conducted in English. You will receive audio recordings of our work sessions.

Date: January 20 and 27, 2022, 18-21 CET

Price: 185 Euro

For payment, please use the link below (click here):


Details: mihaela@soul-union.com

We look forward to seeing you,


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