The Gate to Sacred Relationships: healing sessions for women

Over the years, I have worked with many women that were going through the process of spiritual awakening and transformation. I have worked with women in relationships, divorced or preparing to divorce, with tremendous life experience or just starting their adult life.
All these wonderful souls had a common point: they wanted more in their relationships, they were feeling there was something more out there and they did not have access to.
And even though they were told from other people around them “Yes, of course, this is you, eternally unhappy” they were feeling they could not give up the deepest longing of their soul: a new reality of the soul in their relationships.
For such women I designed these special healing sessions that I now make available.
To empower the soul and the feminine essence that seeks the sacredness in life and relationships.
I want to offer you my support, wonderful women who are going through this process of inner reconstruction.
If you feel that the old paradigm of relationships no longer represents your inner truth …
if you are in divorce or you think seriously about it …
if you’re in a relationship that does not meet the deepest longing of your heart …
if you miss yourself more than you allow yourself to feel it…
if you feel that your soul is crying for something other than what you are living now …
if you need to take a huge leap of faith and throw yourself into the void of all possibilities and you need someone to hold your hand …
…I’m here for you. I have gone through this process myself and I know in every cell what it means. I can tell you that it’s not always easy, but it gives you the possibility of reuniting with your Soul in unpredictable wonderful ways.
What we do in these healing sessions for women:
- we identify wounds and patterns that keep you locked up in the old relational maps
- we bring healing energies to harmonise parts of yourself caught the codependence patterns
- we set the framework for what the new relational paradigm means
- we are connecting to the Divine Feminine energies to accompany you in this journey
- we get clarity about what this process is really about
- we anchor the new timeline that you are stepping on, through the healing of your femininity.
- Duration: one hour
- Price: 200 euros
- For payment, you can use the link bellow:
For scheduling an online appointment, please use the calendar bellow. You will receive a firm confirmation from me regarding the date and the hour you picked.