How to bring harmony into a chaotic world?

Yes, it seems that we live in a world of total chaos. And we are tempted to fall into despair because of this. To complain, to dramatize and to focus every day on the fact that we live in an impossible world.
So, what can we do to live in harmony in the middle of the chaos and in the middle of this chaos which gives us so much stress?
How can we still believe that we have the power to change something in a world where it seems that so many things are not in our power?
From chaos to harmony
Let’s open our hearts. Without rejecting the chaos. Without denying it. Allowing to the chaos to do it’s job – to restart systems, societies, destinies. But always having a higher perspective.
The important thing is to find and maintain the sense of the universal connection, without which we feel disoriented, scared, without any purpose. When we have this sense of connection, we can move peacefully into the direction of the emerging future, even when we have no idea what it will bring us.
Let’s do things that keep us connected and keep us in balance. Coming out of emotional basements. Healing the wounds that keep us there. Going more and more into receiving. Bringing light into the body and into life. Being love. Showing love. Bringing in the body the connection with everything we are. Living beautifully and staying connected inside with something bigger than us, even when it is hard. Feeling sadness when we see things that do not increase the love in the world, but also having compassion for those involved in the perpetuation of non-love.
Being aware that there are souls who choose something else than the manifestation of love in the world and that this is okay. Being gentle with us and with the anger we feel in the face of the divine injustice. In front of God who allows such things to happen. The truth is that, in any situation, even when it does not seem, at a certain level, the choice is ours.
Compassion and action
It is important to be gentle with ourselves for the times when we have chosen something else than love. Let us have compassion for those who choose something else than the supreme connection with the Source at any time. And about us, to continue to choose at each and every moment the manifestation of our best version.
And very important: never underestimate the individual power of each of us. Yes, it is tempting to sit on the couch looking at the chaos in the world and to give in to the idea that we are too weak to be able to change something at a general level.
But the world is at a standstill right now because souls like you who are reading this article are now underestimating their power at the micro level.
Let’s do what we can, wherever we are. Let’s do our mission, whatever that is. To have more joy, to love more, to go beyond the illusion of chaos and fear.
That is how we can stay in harmony. And this is how we can bring harmony into a chaotic world.