Let go of everything. See what stays.

I’ve seen on the Internet a while ago a phrase whose purpose is to stir you up and make you address yourself questions until you find the essence: Let go of everything. See what stays.

I guess everyone has been through this so far, at least once. But probably, you also though at least once so far: thanks God we don’t always have to do this and that, most of the time, we can keep this process of reinvention only at the level of imagination.

But here we are in a situation where this phrase is more than just an exercise of imagination. We are in front of the unknown. An unknown as big as this Planet. We don’t have much clarity about anything at this time. Everyone has their own opinion about what will happen, according to their own belief system. There are so many theories and opinions that all we can do is return to our own Truth, always and always. At our own reference system. And to release everything is not that Truth.

So, let’s imagine. If you have to let go of:

All the possessions, the house you live in, the money you have, the family, the loved ones, the friends …
The way you have made your living so far, the profession, the mission…
The ways in which you represented yourself the reality, the ways in which you presented yourself to the world…
The perception about the Planet and the Universe, the opinions, the judgments, the point of views about what is good and what is bad, what it’s right and what’s wrong… maybe here we need to stop and breathe all… 

If you release everything you knew you were, who and what are you becoming?  What remains valid for you? Is it a person, a feeling, a thing, an energy? A being? A concept? An idea? An energy that comes through you or an energy that guides you in the world?

What is that pillar you know is always there, after you’ve released everything you know, hold or thought you were?
If you have to let go of everything, what is that thing you take with you into the void, beyond everything that has represented your life so far? What is that energy that becomes your all into the nothingness you have now?

Search even deeper.  Beyond identity, beyond possessions, beyond what you’ve worked so far to be and to become. Beyond everything and nothing, what is your deepest essence? Beyond all the landmarks you knew, what is your ultimate landmark? Beyond the one you knew you were, where is your real essence?  Beyond the dust of the life you’ve known so far, what magic helps you breathe again? Beyond everything you know, what’s the thing you don’t need to know anything about anymore? Because, finally, everything becomes clear at a level beyond understanding.

What is it that thing for which you know you can lose everything without even blinking, because you know you haven’t lost anything but actually you won everything?

What is that thing that is always there, constant, equal to itself, moment by moment?

When you find it, keep it. It is the beacon that will always tell you there is light even in the midst of the deepest darkness. That there is always a direction, even when you don’t even see the next step. That something, somewhere, is always guiding you, even when all you have in your soul is chaos and confusion.

So yes, now, more than ever, let go of everything. And see what stays. Keep that thing close to your heart and soul. Build your new life around it. Being always ready to release the attachment, even to the new life. With gratitude, receive everything that is offered to you and is getting revealed to you through the courage to throw yourself into the unknown, again and again and again.

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