When people feel guilty because they love…

When people feel guilty because they love …this means something on this Earth is far away from being all right.

That things were misinterpreted and turned against our souls.

When you are ashamed that your heart is singing and when, instead of going out to cry out your love, fly, dream and create in its name, you bury it and blame yourself for what you feel …

Then it’s clear that somewhere, something is deeply wrong in the way we understand what love means and what is its purpose.

I have seen too many times people feeling guilty and ashamed of the fact that they fell in love and that their heart is screaming inside of them because of what they feel.

Maybe because those feelings they have do not meet the standard requirements, are not in the ranks of the common sense or settled by the ink of a human piece of paper.

Maybe because those people do not have the courage to be who they are. Perhaps because the voices and judgments of others have so much power over them that they find no courage to pass through the wall created by such a limited perspective that mutilates souls.

And in this case, anything that makes you go beyond the wall or threaten the already known frame is considered “dangerous.” And then you have to feel guilty.

Let’s Love

We need to learn to relate differently to this, in any life situation we meet this beautiful feeling.

This collective pattern is very often obstructing deep soul connections like twin flames, twin souls, soul mates.

So, we need to realise that we are outside or Truth not when we love, but when we are ashamed and feel guilty that we feel what we feel.

Of course, situations are diverse, and sometimes we seem to be in “love” when, in fact, we use what we believe is love as another way to avoid something and to trick ourselves.

But if your heart is singing and your soul is growing, if your body is flowing and your blood is boiling, if life seems to make sense and the world is a more beautiful and safe place just because  someone or something simply exists here on Earth, then that is Love.

Why be ashamed of that? Why feel guilty?

Too many people whose feelings are real still hide themselves. It’s time to realise that there is something wrong not with us, the one who allow themselves to love, but with the collective energies that condemn this beautiful state of connection with the Source and that are incarcerating us every day.

The energies we agree with and give power to, each and every day we wake up and do things against our hearts, against love.

We need to learn to stand up for what we feel and to be loyal to Love in our hearts. This is the only normality I know.

Let’s confess our loves before we die inside. First in front of the mirror and in front of our hearts. Then let our lives flow to where Love takes us.

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