Spiritual counselling and healing for soul connections

Spiritual counselling and healing for soul connections
Do you feel that everything you knew about the old relational paradigm is no longer valid for you?
There is a deep call in your heart to create relationships from a deeper level of being?
Does your heart knows that you will not settle for less than a deep connection in the soul?
Are you in a deep connection with a soul mate or a heart catalyst?
So maybe you have met your Twin Soul in the physical dimension?
Do you live heaven and hell on Earth at the same time when you connect with that person?
And as many techniques of releasing, forgiveness and letting go have you tried, you simply cannot get that person out of your heart?
So, it’s time to perceive your whole experience on another level, in a spiritual counselling session with me.
Whether it is a connection to your Twin Soul, a soul mate or a catalyst of your heart, this connection can be transformed into a blessing when is viewed from the right perspective.
On the first level of perception, we can say that this kind of connections is toxic.
The truth, however, at the soul level, is that these connections are there to support the process of spiritual ascension. And to help us manifest a new relational paradigm on Earth.
This is a process that requires healing work on every level of our being.
What will we do in a spiritual counseling and healing session for soul connections:
- gain a new perspective on this type of relationship and on the new relational paradigm
- learn to make a difference between a toxic relationship and a relationship that sustains your spiritual growth
- heal aspects of your soul and mental-emotional structure, so that you can sustain the energy of such a deep connection
- identify personal wounds and co-dependence patterns that turn such a connection into a toxic one
- recognise internal and external blockages that may affect your connection
- connect to the authentic energy of this connection
- learn to use this energy in our personal process
You will have access to a new vision and clarity that will connect you more with your personal path and with what you can do next to the evolution of your soul.
Duration: one hour
Price: 200 Euros
For payment, you can use Paypal (click here):
For scheduling an online appointment, please use the calendar bellow. You will receive a firm confirmation from me regarding the date and the hour you picked.
Honouring your deep longing for Soul Union,
Mihaela Marinas
For any other details, you can write me at: mihaela@soul-union.com