The Shack movie: healing the wound of separation
The Shack is a truly healing movie for the illusion in which we are collectively: the separation wound. Separation from yourself, from others, from the reality of the soul, from Divine Love, from Source, from God.
Because this is the humanity’s disease for many centuries. And sometimes, the main cause of human unhappiness and illusion in which we live our lives: the separation wound.
The separation wound can manifest in the form of feelings so often felt and encountered. The feeling that you are alone against the world. That God has left you, people are bad and you can not rely on anyone, that there is nobody there for you.
Sometimes anger towards people who do “bad” or anger at God because it allows tragedies to happen. And, beyond all, feelings of despair, disconnection, pain, lack of trust in life and the universe.
Feelings that we can have at the level of the inner child, from programs taken from parents, from traumas suffered directly or inherited.
But, at the same time, there are feelings that are manifested and lived at the level of collective programs of disconnection from the Source.
All these feelings are lived by the main character in The Shack, in the initial journey that goes through to the end.
The Shack is a movie that reminds us of many spiritual truths:
First of all, that God does not leave us, but we are the ones who leave God. We are the ones who once took the decision, at the soul level, to separate us from the source, individually and collectively.
And to forget that Divine Love, happiness, beauty are at a breathing and at a choice distance. Regardless of the circumstances outside of us.
We are also reminded that we have free will at the soul level. Of course, it does not seem that we have free will when we are in deep pain and we can not see any exit from the hell we live in.
How could I choose to live something like this – we often wonder, immersed in anger and despair? That’s also the question of the main character in The Shack, until he manages to see things from the perspective of the soul.
At the same time, the ultimate free choice is to choose where our power lies.
Do we give power to our soul or to the programs that come from other sources than our essence? Do we give power to our limitations or to our expansion, to the darkness or to the light?
A film that reminds us that human and divine perspective are often parallel realities. As we have this tendency to judge the realities of the soul from the perspective of human injustice and human anger, and we have the habit of judging from the perspective of the good / evil duality. This is often the thing that sustains the separation wound and feeds our suffering.
Illusion or Truth
The only thing that brings relief is the connection with the Source. The Source is the place where we can be fed and sustained. Beyond life and death, beyond what we think is good or bad, beyond the greatest pain and trauma we can live as people on earth.
There is always a higher perspective, no matter how big the confusion, the pain and the illusion. Our soul can be enlightened and our heart can open in every moment we choose the truth instead of the illusion.
If all this sounds like “big words” for you, then I really recommend you from my heart to watch “The Shack”. To honour your soul that longs to live beyond the separation wound.