Today is your day

If you are used to pleasing others, today allow yourself not to do it.

Also, if you are sick and tired of your trials to be loved by the others, today think only about you.

Just go now in front of your mirror and ask yourself: “What can you do today for you to make yourself happy?”

I would like to show you some answers to this question:

Maybe you should leave earlier for your job. And walk in the park for a half an hour, where you should admire the leaves that fall from the trees and to enjoy the sun.

When you arrive at home, you shouldn’t run in the kitchen to make the meal. You should tell the others that today is your free day and everybody should eat what they want. You should also take a bubble bath, listen to relaxing music or read a good book.

Also, you should buy something that you really want, a book, an album, a CD- just for you. Yes, you wanted to buy it a long time ago. But you end up by buying something for your kids or for your beloved.

Maybe you should tell your boss that they shouldn’t treat you like a heartless robot that continuously produces reports, analyses, sales number.

You should let everything behind for 30 minutes. And just take a lunch break to eat quietly. Without desperately checking the e-mails and the cell phone.

Maybe you should stop for 5 minutes those voices that tell you that you are not good enough. And that you don’t try hard enough.

These voices make you believe that this is the reason why you deserve your problems. And if you don’t change and you won’t be perfect, you don’t deserve to be appreciated.

Maybe you should unconditionally love yourself for one minute today. And tell yourself: “I love myself just because I exist.”

Another ideas for today

Maybe you should go to the hair-stylist and decide to have that hair-cut, that you are not very sure about it because of your asymmetrical face.

Maybe you should lock yourself in your car in order to yell and to release the anger that accompanied you for years. Because “the persons that speak up are mean and I have to be good if I want the others’ love.”

Maybe you should pay attention to your inner voice that tells you to leave behind this job. And to start carrying for trees and flowers and for gardens, because you feel that this is your personal mission.

You should join yourself for a few moments in order to heal your wounds, your pain, your miseries. Because they blocked the love in your soul. From now on, you should decide that love is a part of your life and to accept this.

And maybe, some ideas for tomorrow:))

Also, it’s a must to go to a massage or a body-treatment without feeling guilty because of this.

Maybe you shouldn’t frighten yourself anymore with negative thoughts (even for an hour) such as: “What am I gonna to do if…? And maybe to understand (even for an hour) that you are always safe, no matter what.

Maybe you should tell the others that you need their help.

You should allow yourself not to be angry because of every un-significant thing. Maybe you shouldn’t to allow the others lay their problems on you because of their clumsiness.

And again. for an hour, you shouldn’t feel compelled to spend your time with persons that you dislike. Or that bother you on an energetic level, just because you feel that you owe them something.

Maybe, maybe, maybe…

And if somebody tells you that you are selfish, just smile with love and understanding and say: “Today, I found out that the persons that doesn’t love herself and neglects herself, she can’t value too much in her own eyes or in the others’.


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