Twin flames, soul mates, whole mates and my twin flame story

For all the twin flames out there

Meeting my twin flame in this dimension was one of the most profound spiritual experiences I’ve ever had. I already shared with you part of this process a while a ago in another article “Beyond illusion: Meeting my Twin Flame”.

In time, I lived and I understood many things about twin flames and also about soul mates, whole mates and other types of sacred connections  and divine partnerships.

I want to share with you my conclusions about twin flames and deep soul connections up until this point of my journey.

I don’t pretend is the absolute truth, is just what I lived and I’ve been though in the last 7 years of my life.

Here are some special considerations about the twin flame connection and at the bottom of the page you’ll find the video.

The authentic connection between twin flames

It is usually characterised by a very high polarity. The Soul that comes in this dimension in two bodies decided somewhere, on the road, to experience itself in completely opposite ways from the perspective of 3D.

Sometimes, the polarities are huge in terms of geographic location, social status, religion. This implies time for harmonisation in this dimension. And the need for harmonisation on all levels, structures of our beings, from personality level and soul level.

The lesson of the Soul is to get out of the illusion of separation. At a certain level, nothing can ever separate twin flames. We can live our lives in Love and Truth, even if we are not in a romantic relationship with our twin.

Sometimes, we need to go through different stages with other souls and accomplish another contracts we have with other souls. So we can learn lessons, make our mission, enjoy life, be present and follow our journey on Earth. This does not come in contradiction at all with the highest path of the soul. On the contrary, they can complete each other.

We are on the same path of the soul, as twin souls and twin flames, until the end of our lives. At certain stages of our journey on Earth, we can expand our expression of living the life on Earth. We can enter relationships, we can experiment and learn and everything it is ok, as long as we are in integrity and we’re living in truth.

For those who believe that you can never be in another relationship after you met your twin flame in this dimension, this depends on the stage you are finding yourselves into.

Sometimes, it is for our highest good and the highest good of our twin flame that we go on an alternative path and be in a relationship with someone else. As long as we are in alignment with the path of our soul, in integrity and truth, everything is in alignment.

What always helps is to step more into our paths and mission. As long as this is our priority, the personal life will arrange itself on the frequency of our mission.

Letting go of the attachment in the twin flame connection

Life has a way of helping us to let go of the thing we tend to hold on the most. So, if we are still in the stage where we can’t imagine our life without our twin flame or we can’t see ourselves in another relationship or we don’t want move forward in life and in doing our mission on Earth until we are together, sooner or later we will be faced with letting go of the very thing that we are attached the most to.

And it is not about letting go of our twin flame. It is about letting go of the attachment to the twin flame connection.

No matter the stage we are in, this is a magical journey and we are going to be in it forever at the level of the soul, no matter in which stage we find ourselves in this moment.

Here is my story and my perspective on it in this moment of my journey:


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