Healing sessions Twin Flames/Soul Connections

Healing sessions

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

September 29, 2020
Intuitive multidimensional healing training: “Becoming the Healer you are”
In these times of deep changes all over the world, the Earth is in need...

Healing sessions

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

September 28, 2020
Intuitive multidimensional healing
Intuitive healing is a process that, in order to be fully effective, needs to...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

July 28, 2020
Lessons of the soul from the Akashic Records
Akashic records are for me a resource very close to my soul. It has...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

July 7, 2020
Apologies to the divine masculine
I’m sorry I responded to the abuses that have been made against women and...

Inspiring thoughts

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

June 25, 2020
Lost in the right direction…
It sounds like a joke, but it comes from a place of truth about...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

June 11, 2020
Light and darkness: integration and transmutation
An important part of our work on this Earth is to learn how to...

Inspiring thoughts

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

June 2, 2020
What does Life want from me now?
This is the question we need to face whenever we go through major paradigm...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

May 26, 2020
The leap of consciousness: “The Volunteers”
These days a very nice video was sent to me. Two souls, having a...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

May 18, 2020
Realigning soul connections with current collective energies
We are going through one of the biggest shift of consciousness that happened on...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

May 7, 2020
Allowing your essence to shine: free program for spiritual transformation
In these times of profound transformation, with great joy I’m offering to the world...

Inspiring thoughts

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

April 14, 2020
Let go of everything. See what stays.
I’ve seen on the Internet a while ago a phrase whose purpose is to...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

April 1, 2020
What kind of world are we choosing now to give birth to?
In the light of the planetary chaos affecting each of us now, in visible...

Inspiring thoughts

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

March 13, 2020
How to bring harmony into a chaotic world?
Yes, it seems that we live in a world of total chaos. And we...


Twin Flames/Soul Connections

March 3, 2020
Between losing the old self and gaining everything we can be
Often, on this path to transformation we need to leave behind relationships, people, friends,...

Healing sessions

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

February 26, 2020
Creating new possibilities: clearing entities sessions
If: You feel blockages and dense energies in your life and around you wherever...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

December 5, 2019
The perpetual longing for Love..
Human nature is truly complex. And when it comes to love, it gets even...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

September 16, 2018
When the Soul is taking you at the end of the world…
Or at the new beginning of your Being. And sometimes it does not even...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

November 13, 2017
You are one with the Love you’re searching for
If you still consider yourself separate from the Love you are looking for outside...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

July 21, 2017
Beyond Illusion: Meeting my Twin Soul
The time has come for me to talk about the deepest spiritual experience that...

Twin Flames/Soul Connections

July 20, 2017
Twin flame connection, between surrender and action
As I already underlined in the article in which I talk about my twin...
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